International Association of Open Source Compliance Professionals

Uniting professionals to ensure the legal compliance of open source software around the world.

Welcome to the International Association of Open Source Compliance Professionals

The International Association of Open Source Compliance Professionals (IAOSCP) is dedicated to promoting best practices in open source software compliance. Our mission is to foster a global community of professionals who work with open source licenses, ensuring legal compliance, risk management, and the responsible use of open source software.

The Importance of Open Source Compliance

Open source software is essential for the innovation and growth of the global tech industry. However, with great freedom comes great responsibility. Proper open source legal compliance ensures that software developers, organizations, and businesses can use and contribute to open source projects without risking legal repercussions.

As an open source compliance professional, you are key to ensuring the security, transparency, and sustainability of open source ecosystems. Your role helps mitigate the risk of legal challenges, protects intellectual property rights, and ensures adherence to licensing requirements.

Join Our Community

Become part of a dynamic and diverse global community of professionals dedicated to open source compliance. Together, we can shape the future of open source licensing and compliance practices across industries.

Join Today

Sponsor Us

Your company or organization can become a key supporter of the IAOSCP and help shape the future of open source compliance. Our sponsors receive visibility in the global open source community and contribute to the advancement of open source legal practices.

Become a Sponsor


Our organization operates under a strict code of conduct and governance. To ensure transparency and proper organizational procedures, please review our official By-Laws.

Read Our By-Laws

Our Members

John Doe

Compliance Expert, Open Source Advocate

Jane Smith

Legal Counsel, Open Source Specialist

Mike Johnson

Software Engineer, Compliance Manager

Lisa Brown

Licensing Specialist, Open Source Enthusiast

Please note this page is a mock-up or placeholder pending the registration of our organization with the State of California. We do not accept donations at this point, but if you are interested in joining our mission, please sign up for our distribution list to receive announcements.